satire ridicules and makes fun of people, ideas, or institutions
parody is humorous imitation of something serious or famous, especially in order to make fun of it
stereotyping is exaggerating characteristics to mock a person
Visual humour takes various forms, ranging from grotesque masks and bawdy costumes (the men often had huge wooden phalli attached to them)
Verbal humour is the use of words with double meanings and puns often lost in translation
farce is when characters are acting in a ridiculous or exaggerated manner
topical allusions are references to a specific place, time, or event in the text
situation comedy is when ordinary people find themselves in extraordinary circumstances and react in an unusual, entertaining way
Character-based humour is a basic comic character that can be established with such speed and success that the audience will laugh the minute he comes on stage.
surreal humour is the use of surreal imagery to create a sense of disorientation and confusion
Vulgar humour is a type of humour that is offensive, rude, or crude.
scatological humour is offensive or obscene, especially in relation to bodily functions