obsessive thought -> anxiety -> compulsion -> temporary relief
Behavioural symptoms of OCD:
Inability to function
Emotional symptoms of OCD:
Cognitive symptoms of OCD:
Intrusive thoughts
Recognised as self—generated
Catastrophic thinking
Genetic explanation for OCD:
OCD is inherited through genetic transmission. It is unlikely that OCD is a single gene disorder, but that it is a combination of genes
Ways to study the genetic explanation:
Twin and family studies
Gene mapping
Research for genetic explanation:
Steward et al (2007) - performed gene mapping on OCD patients, finding the OLIG-2 gene commonly occurring
Lenane et al (1990) - studies among family members show OCD is a heritable condition
Negatives of genetic explanation:
concordance rate of MZ twins is not 100%
people in the same family can have OCD but not the same symptoms
further research is needed
Neural explanation of OCD:
Some forms of OCD can be due to a breakdown in immune system functioning
Where is high levels of activity found in OCD patients?
Research into neural explanations:
Pichichero (2009) - children with throat infections suddenly showed OCD symptoms
Negative of neural explanations:
Not all OCD sufferers respond to serotonin
Does low serotonin cause OCD or does OCD cause low serotonin?
What does the evolutionary explanation of OCD suggest?
OCD has an adaptive survival value. It involves repetitive behaviours such as grooming or hypervigilence, increasing survival rate
Research to support evolutionary explanation:
Abed and Pauw - OCD is an exaggerated form of an evolved ability to foresee situations to avoid danger
What does the cognitive explanation for OCD say?
Sufferers have faulty persistent thought processes. Compulsions relieve this anxiety. You could say subtypes are more cognitive as they have different forms of anxiety
Research to support the cognitive explanation:
Rachman and Hodges - some indiviuals are more susceptible to obsessive thoughts due to genetic factors, so cognitive factors can be combined with genetic factors.
Which drugs can be used to treat OCD?
Antidepressants, anxiolytic drugs, antipsychotics
Research supporting drug therapy:
Koran, Ringold and Elliot (2000) - simultaneous treatments with multiple drugs are more effective than single drug treatments. (He used olanzapine and SSRIs)
Cicerone et al (2000) - antipsychotic drugs can alleviate OCD symptoms due to their dopamine lowering effects
Julien (2007) - symptoms don’t disappear with SSRIs but 50-80% see improvement and can live a fairly normal life
Negatives of drug treatment for OCD:
don’t cure OCD, but reduce symptoms
side effects are common
mostly suitable for adults
do they reduce depressive symptoms or obsessive symptoms
Positives for drug treatment of OCD:
cheaper than CBT
heightened serotonin may equal heightened suicide levels