control the movements of substances in and out of cells
forms the barrier between the cell cytoplasm and the environment
allows different conditions to be established inside and outside of the cell
cell membranes are made of phospholipids, proteins, cholesterol, glycolipid and glycoproteins
in water, phospholipid form a bilyaer with hydrophilic polar heads (water loving) on the surface and hydrophobic chains (water fearing) inside
you cant see membrane proteins in the light microscope because they dont have a lipid bilayer
functions of the phospholipid in the mebrane:
allow lipid souble substance to enter and leave the cell
prevent water soluble substances entering and leaving the cell "makes the membrane and self sealing
the bilyaer of phospholipid form the basic structure of the membranes but there are several other components
extrinisic (peripheral) proteins- occurs in the surface of the bilayer and never extend completely across it
give mechanical support to the membrane
in conjugation with glycolipids
cell receptors for molecules such as hormones
intrinsic(intergral) proteins- completely embedded in the membrane, no lipid bilayer
some are protein channels- which form water filled tubes that allow ions to pass through
some are carrier proteins- that binds to ions or molecules like glucose and amino acids, then changes shape in order to move these molecules across the membrane
intergral proteins have hydrophobiv areas inside the membranes and hydrophilic parts which sticks out into the cytoplasm
the functions of the proteins in the membrance are to
provide structural support
act as a channels transporting water soluble molecules across the membrane
allows active transport across the membrane through carrier proteins
forms cells surface receptors for identifying cells
helps cells adhere together
act as a receptors for example hormones
the cell surface membrane is referred to as the fluid mosaic model- as the proteins which are embedded in the bilayer vary in shape, size, pattern, like the tiles of a mosaic
cholesterol- a type of lipid that is found in the cell membrane
at high temperature it will stabilies the membrane and raise the melting point
at low temperature, it intercalates between the phospholipids and prevents clustering( packing too tightly)
cholesterol molecules are very hydrophobic so prevents the loss a water and dissolved ions from the cell. they pull the fatty acid tails of the phospholipid together, limiting their movement but not making the membrane too rigid
functions of cholesterol: reduces cateral movements movement of other molecules including phospholipids
makes the membrane less fluid at high temps
prevents leakage of water and dissolved ions from the cells
glycolipids are made of a carbohydrate covalently attached to a lipid. The carbohydrate portion extends from the bilayer into the environment outside the cell, where it acts as a cell surface receptor for specific chemicals, eg ABO blood system in humans
glycolipids functions: functions to immobolise the outer surface of the membrane, reudcing fluidity
it makes the membrane less permeable to very small water soluble molecules that would otherwise freely cross
it functions to seperate phospholipid tails and so prevents crystallisation of the membrane
it helps secure peripheral proteins by forming high density lipid rafts capable of anchoring the protein.
glycoproteins: proteins on the cell membrane's outer surface are often modifified by carbohydrates, forming glycoproteins. modification is thought to have a part in the cell's recognition by other cells especially for hormones and neurotransmittter
glycoproteins functions:
acts as a recognition sites
helps cells to attach to one attach to one another and so forms tissues
allows cells to recognise one another e.g. lymphocytes can recognise an organism's own cell
organelles such as mitochondria and chloroplasts are surrouded by two plasma membranes. These membranes also have important functions in ensuring the organelles are functioning properly:
control the entry and exit of material in discrete organelles
seperate organelles from cytoplasm, ensring metabolic reaction can take place within them.
provide an internal transport system eg endoplasmic reticulum
isolate enzymes that might damage the cell eg. lysosomes
provides surfaces on which reactions can occur eg protein synthesis and ribosomes on endoplasmic reticulum.
the extracellular matrix is a mesh of protein fibres and glycoproteins that exist externally of the cell in multicellular organisms
the ECM typically provides structural and biochemical support to surrounding cells including:
providing sites for anchorage by cells within a tissue and segregating seperate tissures from one another
sequestering and storing growth factors until receipt of a chemical signal
in plant cells the extracellular matric includes cell wall components (like cellulose) and hence plays an important roles in:
regulating water uptake ( maintenance of cell turgor)
providing mechanical strength and rigidity to the cell (maintains cell shapes)
cellular membranes are semi permeable ( only certain substances can pass through )
and they are selective( membrane proteins may regulate the passage of material that cannot freely cross)
Movement of materials across a biological membrane may occur actively or passively
Net movement of water molecules across a semi-permeable membrane from low solute concentration to high solute concentration until equilibrium is reached
Water potential is the pressure created by water molecules and is important in biology