Attitudes to empire - Role and influence of individuals

Cards (14)

  • Attitudes to empire - Role and influence of Individuals
    • Role and influence of Joseph Chamberlain
    • Role and influence of Cecil Rhodes after 1890
    • Colonial administration
  • Role and influence of Joseph Chamberlain
    Most committed colonial secretary of Victorian era. Turned down office of both chancellor of Exchequer and Home secretary in 1895. He did this to become secretary of state for the colonies. Believed that effective use of the empire could sustain British property and prestige.
  • Joseph Chamberlain (1836 - 1914) = Served as Mayor of Birmingham before becoming its Liberal Member of parliament in 1876. Opposed Gladstone's proposal for Irish independence (Home Rule) =Joined a conservative led coalition government as colonial secretary between 1895 and 1903.
  • Joseph Chamberlain (1836 - 1914) = Had interest in African expansion. Initiated Uganda railway connecting East African coast with the interior, sanctioned the conquest and annexation of Ashantiland into the Gold Coast of West Africa. 1900 supervised acquisition of territories of Royal Niger company. Which became formal British colonies. Parliamentary inquiry exonerated him of any responsibility for the Jameson raid of 1895 - 96. Supported Rhodes' ambition in South Africa.
  • Joseph Chamberlain (1836 - 1914) = Presided over success in second Anglo - Boer war (1899 - 1902). Having added South Africa to Britain's dominions. Tried to develop closer imperial ties at 1902 colonial conference. Without success. Subsequent fight for imperial preference failed in 1903. Resigned as colonial secretary to promote tarriff reform league in 1903.
  • Chamberlain was a powerful influence on attitudes to empire. Believed imperial bonds needed reinforcing if the empire was to be preserved. Britain wanted to maintain status of world power. Failure of fist colonial council in 1887 to get agreement for an imperial council (for parliament) to serve the empire. Chamberlain summoned and chaired two further colonial conferences. 1897 and 1902.
  • He proposed imperial defence and customs union. Conferences involved only self governing settler colonies and rejected chamberlain's ideas. Chamberlain promoted government investment in less profitable areas of empire. Promote tropical trade and sense of imperial duty. 'High imperialism'. Second Anglo - Boer war in 1899, Chamberlain popular in Britain because attitudes towards South Africa. Lost glory as war dragged on.
  • Salisbury retired in 1902. Passed over as prime minister in favour of Balfour. Resigned his post as colonial secretary 1905. Campaign of tariff reform to convince British public of need for duties on foreign goods. Give colonial imperial preference and duty free British market. Convinced favourable trade between Britain and colonies would benefit Britain. Reduce unemployment.
  • Failed to carry conservatives with him, split the party and brought Balfour's resignation. 1906 election failed to convince public. Feared rises of cost of living. After election Chamberlain suffered a stoke and political career was over.
  • Role and influence of Cecil Rhodes (1852 - 1902) = Risen from rank of trader to secure the prime ministership of Cape Colony in 1890. Strong conviction British civilisation and control were key to betterment of world. Used his vast fortune, political power and control of cape newspaper to impress audience at home and abroad. Belief that it was right and duty of Anglo - Saxons to dominate Africa and beyond.
  • Cecil Rhodes
    Inspired by social darwinist view. Hope was to establish British rule from North to South Africa. Linking cape to Britain dominated the Sudan and Egypt. Sent settlers and British South territory. Know to Britain as Matubeleland. 1890 violently expanding his territories from 1899 they should be known as Rhodesias in his honour.
  • Cecil Rhodes
    Outflank Boer republic of the Transvaal and the Germans in the rush to central Africa was the railway to continue along spine of mountain system. Hopefully reaching the Nile. Ensure British domination of all east - central Africa. Expansionist dream of a cape to Cairo route was blocked by German occupation of East Africa from 1891 and never completed.
  • Cecil Rhodes
    Rhodes resigned from his past as prime minister in 1896 after the Jameson raid and died 6 years later. Made great fortune out of empire. Funds helped to promote British empire after death.
  • Colonial administrators - Viceroy Curzon
    Height of conservative imperialism in 1899. PM, Lord Salisbury appointed George Curzon as Viceroy of India. Great traveller. Writing several books. Notably on Russia and Persia. Concern about Russian expansion that led him to create North - West Frontier province in 1901. Dispatch a military expedition to Tibet. Believed in religious and moral imperial duty.