Ways in which an individual can knowordiscoveranswerstoquestions.
Method of Tenacity
Information is acceptedastrue because it has alwaysbeenbelieved or because superstitionsupportsit.
Method of Intuition
Information is acceptedonthebasisofahunch or a "gutfeeling."
Method of Authority
When an individual reliesoninformation or answersfromexpert in the subject area.
Method of Faith
A variant of the methodofauthority, in which individuals have unquestioningtrust in the authorityfigure, and, therefore, acceptinformation from the authority withoutdoubt or challenge.
The Rational Method
Seeks answers by the us of logical reasoning. This includes the use of premise statements and arguments.
Premise Statements
In logical reasoning, describes facts or assumptions that are presumed to be true.
In logical reasoning, a set of premise statements that are logically combined to yield a conclusion.
The Empirical Method
Uses observation or directsensoryexperience to obtain knowledge.