Tourism - More facilities are being built for people in Svalbard which damages the landscape, oilspills and other waste is discharged from shipping, and airpollution is releasedfrom flights
What is one threat to Svalbard? (CM)
Coalmining - Svalbard has valuable resource reserves, and extraction damages the landscape
What is one threat to Svalbard? (PSR)
Polarscientificresearch - Building the neccessary infastructure such as research stations damages the landscape
Why is coal mining not as big of a threat to Svalbard?
Because of the extreme cold, lack of light in the winter, and the remoteness of the mines
How can tourism, mining, and research help Svalbard?
Their economy depends on it
When was the Svalbard Environmental Protection Act passed, and what did it do?
It was passed in 2002, and it protects Svalbard's natural environment as well as its cultural heritage