Tourist attractions - regarded as a key component of the tourism market.
tourist attractions are dynamically changing in terms of form, location, style, and scale.
Creating attraction involves: culture and technology
attractions are tied into the three E's Entertain, Excitement, Education.
Determinants of the Attraction Market: Cultural, Political, Economic, Technological, New trends in Tourism, Media.
Political factors - problems of political tenor
economic factors - tourist attraction generated profits from admission tickets.
Sociocultural Factors - impacts the creation and adjustment of attractions to meet ecological requirements and make them accessible to the disabled and elderly.
Technological Factors - Example is the exclusive attraction the space flight. (Space tourism)
Stage 1. Discovery - small number of unobtrusive visitor arrive seeking unspoiled destinations.
Stage 2. Launch - In this stage the number of incoming tourists increases.
Stage 3. Stagnation - The stage in which saturation is reached.
Stage 4. Decline - this represents the current state of mature tourist destination.