E.g 7-2: Calculate the signal to a receiver from a radar system that has a 36 dB antenna gain, a transmitter power of 1000 watts, and an operating frequency of 5.65 GHz, from a business jet target with an RCS of 1 m2 at a distance of 75 nautical miles
Calculate λ from the frequency = λ = c/f = 3x10^8/5.65x10^9 = 0.053 m
Convert 75 nm to meters= R = 75 x 1852 = 1.39x10^5
Converting antenna gain into a number G = 10^3.6 = 3981
So, signal power received by radar system = Pr = Pt G^2 λ^2 RCS/(4(PI))^3 R^4 = 6.0x10^-17 watts
A signal of 6.0x10^-17 watts returns from 1000 watt transmitter