1. Love only is always good 2. Love is the only norm 3. Love and justice are the same 4. Love is not liking 5. Love justifies its means 6. Love decided there and then
The only intrinsically good thing is love and nothing else. Only in God does love have real existence. With humans love is a predicate. It is not something we have or are; it is something we do. Love is the only principle that is good and right in every situation
Love becomes justice. Love in society has to be calculating, careful prudent, distributive in caring for all and that is justice. Justice is the many sidedness of love. Love is not just one-to-one. Love and justice need to be reunited
Fletcher complains about the doctrine that 'the end does not justify the means'. If it does not then what does? The answer is nothing. Unless an action has an end of purpose then any action we take is meaningless and random.