Strengths and Weaknesses of Virtue Ethics

Cards (8)

  • Strengths of virtue ethics considering the whole personality
    Considers excellence of character; the development of theoretical reasoning, such as maths, physics and philosophy; and the development of practical skills such as judgement, practical wisdom and deliberation. Through individuals personal growth we can work towards a harmonious society
  • Weaknesses of virtue ethics considering the whole personality
    Mean is relative to individuals in a situation, it ignores cultural relativism. Different societies have different virtues, and what is virtuous in one century might not be in another. People have different ideas of what is virtuous; it is difficult to fit everyone's views into one category
  • Strengths of virtue ethics being human centered
    Values strength of moral character above following rules regardless of whether the rules are good, bad or indifferent. Eg janitor story
  • Weaknesses of virtue ethics being human centered
    Cultural differences in what is considered virtuous
  • Strengths of virtue ethics allowing for moral judgement
    Does not have the problem of deontological ethics where rules conflict. Avoids trying to guess the future. You do not have the consequentialist problem of doing bad actions to get good results or deontological problems of obeying rules even when they cause you harm
  • Weaknesses of virtue ethics allowing for moral judgement
    How should we behave? We should act virtuously. What is a virtuous act? An act done by someone who is virtuous? How does someone become virtuous? By acting virtuously. The lack of rules and guidance means that there is a lot of pressure on individuals to act in a virtuous manner; despite not knowing how that is defined. Aristotle's ideas are potentially outdated and more suited to his own time and social class
  • Strengths of virtue ethics having the focus of eudaimonia
    Is good for society.
  • Weaknesses of virtue ethics having the focus of eudaimonia
    Virtue ethics is better suited for individual morality. Although it attempts to push us towards a more ordered, peaceful society; it is not useful for politics as governments cannot make ethical decisions based on individual character. Political morality runs on consequentialist principles in the UK, where they aim to please the majority, which doesn't always align with our individual virtue system.