Learning theory

Cards (5)

  • Who was learning theory proposed by?
    Dollard and Miller
  • What is meant by cupboard love?
    Children love person who feeds them and are likely to form attachment to person who feeds them the most
    • (Think of dogs running to the cupboard that has food in it)
  • How can classical conditioning be applied to attachment?
    US = food
    UR = Happy baby
    NS = caregiver
    US + NS = Unconditioned response
    NS = Conditioned response
    CS = CR
    Caregiver = happy baby
    (US = unconditioned stimulus, UR = unconditioned response, NS = neutral stimulus, CR = conditioned stimulus, CR = conditioned response)
  • How can operant coniditioning be applied to attachment?
    • Innate drives which must be satisfied
    • Primary reinforcers - stimuli that satisfy drivers (i.e hunger) and cause drive reduction
    • This is positive reinforcement, behaviour learned and repeated
    • Caregiver associated with food (secondary reinforcer), baby attaches to caregiver to be closer to source of reward (food)
    • Negative reinforcement happens when baby cries so that caregiver gives food, behaviour is learned and repeated
  • Give one strength and two limitations of learning theory
    • Provides adequate explanation for how attachments form
    • Counter evidence from animal studies (Harlow monkeys)
    • Socially sensitive