Animal studies

Cards (7)

  • What is the definition of imprinting?
    When a young animal recognises another animal/object/person as a parent or object to trust
  • What was Lorenz investigation in attachment of geese?
    • Divided 12 goose eggs
    • 6 hatched and saw Lorenz first
    • 6 hatched and saw mother first (control group)
    • Imprinting happened within few hours of hatching
    • Mixed groups up, control group went towards mother and incubator group went towards Lorenz
  • What is sexual imprinting?
    Relationship found between imprinting and adult mate preference
  • What was Lorenz study into sexual imprinting?
    • Peacock reared in reptile house at zoo
    • Imprinted on giant tortoise and displayed sexual behaviour towards giant tortoises
    • Provides evidence for sexual imprinting
  • How can sexual imprinting be used to disprove Lorenz theory of imprinting?
    Guilton et al (chicken imprinted on yellow glove)
    Chickens sexual imprint reversed, reducing reliability of Lorenz' study
  • What was Harlow's monkey experiment?
    • Reared 16 baby monkeys with cloth and wire mother
    • The wire or cloth mother dispenses milk, recorded how long baby monkeys spent with each mother
    • spent 17-18 hours with cloth monkey in both conditions regardless of who fed them
    • if wire mother dispenses milk, baby monkeys only ate before returning to cloth mother
    • Robot added to scare baby monkey to see which mother theyd seek comfort from
    • Ran to cloth mother to reduce fear before investigating
    • Monkeys observed for effects of maternal deprivation,showed aggression,neglected young less sociable
  • What is one strength and two limitations of Harlow's monkey study?
    • Real world applications, allows us to care for animals in zoos
    • Less applicable to humans, humans not the same as monkeys
    • Ethical issues, caused distress to baby monkeys