Brendgen et al (2005)

Cards (14)

  • Aim
    To find out if there is a difference between physical and social aggression in 6 year old school students, whether physically aggressive students can also be socially aggressive, and whether it is linked down to genetics or situation
  • Sample
    • 234 pairs of twins from the Quebec newborn twin study
    • 44 identical male (MZ) twin pairs
    • 50 identical female (MZ) twin pairs
    • 41 non identical (DZ) male twin pairs
    • 32 non identical (DZ) female twin pairs
    • 67 non identical (DZ) mixed gender twin pairs
  • Procedure
    • Longitudinal study
    • Teachers were asked to rate students on a scale on 6 statements with 0 = never, 1 = sometimes, 2 = often
  • social question for teachers
    • Try to make others dislike a child
    • Says bad things or spread rumours about a child
    • Becomes friends with a child for revenge
  • physical questions for teachers
    • Gets into fights
    • Physically attacks others
    • Hits, bites, or kicks others
  • social questions for peera
    • Tell others not to play with a child
    • Tell mean secrets about another child
  • physical questions for peers
    • Gets into fights
    • Hits, bites, or kicks others
  • Results
    • strong correlation between teacher and student ratings
    • teachers rated boys aggression as more physical, and girls more social
    • peers rated boys as both more physically and socially agressive
    • MZ twins had very similar behaviour, r = 0.79
    • similar correlation between MZ and DZ twins in social aggression
  • Conclusion
    physical aggression is mostly genetics, social aggression is mostly environmental influence
    • children who are physically aggressive are more likely to be socially aggressive as well
  • Grave
    large sample, representative of investigated age group, but not the whole world
  • gRave
    • standardised questionnaire, easily replicable, but the original language was French, translation may be unreliable
    • strong correlation between teacher and peer ratings
    • zygocity allocation was based on appearance, not reliable
  • grAve
    if social aggression is linked to nurture, then early intervention should be possible
  • graVe
    • twin studies are a valid way of studying nature vs nurture, MZ twins are 100% genetically similar, DZ only 50%
    • natural experiment does not explain cause and effect
  • gravE
    • presumptuous consent from parents
    • children looked at their classmates photos and pointed to the most 'aggressive looking' ones, could impact friendships
    • this research maximises benefits so it was worth it