Cards (4)

  • One limitation of the holism approach is that it may lack practical value. Holistic explanations of behaviour often involve numerous interconnected factors, making it challenging to identify which factor is the most influential.
    : This means that it becomes difficult to prioritise specific factors for intervention or therapy, hindering practical applications in real-world settings.
    : Therefore, this suggests that while holistic perspectives offer a comprehensive understanding of behaviour, they may struggle to provide actionable insights for intervention or treatment.
  • Point: One strength of reductionist approaches is that they often form the basis of a scientific approach.
    Evidence: Reductionist approaches break down complex behaviours into smaller, measurable components, through operationalization of variables.
    Explain: This means that reductionist methods enable controlled experimentation and observation, allowing for objective and reliable measurements.
    Link: Therefore, this highlights the importance of reductionist approaches in enhancing the credibility of psychology as a scientific discipline.
  • However, reductionist approaches have been accused of oversimplifying complex phenomena, => to reduced validity.
    : Reductionist explanations focus on isolated components such as genes or neurotransmitters, neglecting the social context in which behaviour occurs.
    : This means that reductionist perspectives may fail to capture the full complexity of behaviour, particularly its social and contextual dimensions.
    :. => that while reductionist approaches offer valuable insights, they should be complemented with holistic perspectives to provide a more comprehensive understanding of behaviour.
  • Point: One limitation of the reductionist approach is that some behaviours can only be understood at a higher level.
    Evidence: Certain social behaviours, such as conformity to social roles, emerge within group contexts and cannot be fully explained by focusing solely on individual-level factors.
    Explain: This means that higher-level explanations, which consider group dynamics and social processes, are necessary to fully understand complex behaviours like conformity.
    Link: Therefore, this suggests that for some behaviours, higher-level and holistic perspectives provide a more valid explanation.