Multi-store memory model

Cards (5)

  • The multi-store memory model was proposed by Atkinson Shiffrin, explanation based on three memory stores and how info is transferred between them
  • What are the key steps of the sensory register?
    • Stimulus passes into sensory register
    • Sensory register comprises of two main stores : iconic (visually coded) and echoic (acoustically coded)
    • The material in the sensory register is help at each of the five senses. The capacity is very large but duration is short.
    • Only if paid attention to will the stimulus pass to STM
    • Information held in STM is used immediately
  • What are the key steps/features in STM?
    • Limited capacity store
    • Capacity 7+-2
    • Coded acoustically and lasts about 18 seconds unless rehearsed
    • Information stored in LTM can return to STM through retrieval
    • We can keep information in STM if we rehearse it, if we rehearse it enough it goes into LTM
  • What is the case study of HM?
    • Supports the MSM, shows LTM and STM are two seperate stores
    • After having hippocampus removed , STM was intact
    • LTM had been damaged, couldnt transfer new information into his LTM
    • Could remember people before incident, but cant remember new people
  • Give two strengths and two limitations of MSM
    • Case of HM supports MSM
    • Controlled lab experiments support the existence of seperate LTM and STM stores
    • MSM is oversimplified, does not take into account different types of STM and LTM
    • MSM model states that STM is a unitary store but this may not be true