A01 - is there 4

Cards (4)

  • 1.The nature-nurture debate explores the interaction between genetic inheritance (nature) and environmental influences (nurture) on human behaviour. While not a simple dichotomy, this debate emphasises their interplay rather than prioritising one over the other. Psychologists now focus on understanding how nature and nurture interact, leading to an interactionist approach.
  • 2.The diathesis-stress model illustrates how both biological vulnerabilities (diathesis) and environmental triggers (stressors) contribute to behaviour, such as the development of OCD. Epigenetics adds complexity by demonstrating how environmental factors can modify genetic activity throughout life, influencing not only an individual but also future generations.
  • 3.Nature encompasses inherited traits, including psychological characteristics influenced by genes, while nurture reflects environmental influences shaping behaviour, as argued by empiricists like John Locke. Various environmental levels have been identified, from prenatal factors to postnatal social conditions, all impacting development.
  • 4.Concordance measures the similarity between individuals on a trait, indicating heritability—the proportion of trait variation attributed to genetics. For IQ, heritability estimates around 50%, highlighting the significant influence of both genetic and environmental factors.