The two states of behaviour in a social situation are the autonomous state and the agentic state
The autonomous state is where people direct their own actions and take responsibility for their actions
The agentic state is where people allow their actions to be directed by others and pass responsibility for their actions onto the person who told them to do it
How does the agentic state explain obedience?
To enter the agentic state, authority must be seen as legitimate
People will obey when they believe that the authority will take responsibility for their actions
Which of Milgram's shock study conditions support the agentic state?
Supported by the two teacher condition:
When participants instructed someone else to press the switches 92.5% shocked to the maximum - when there is less personal responsibility obedience increases
What is the authoritarian personality as an explanation for obedience?
Proposed by Adorno, suggested dispositional factors rather than situational factors explain obedience
Suggested some people favour an authoritarian social system and admire obedience to authority figures
Features: hostile towards those of inferior status, extreme respect for authority, need for a strong leader
What are two limitations of the Authoritarian personality as an explanation for obedience