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  • how do TEM work?
    Transmission Electron Microscope - a beam of electrons passes through a thin section of a specimen. Areas that absorb the electrons appear darker on the electron micrograph that is produced.
  • how do SEM work?
    Scanning Electron Microscope - a beam of electrons passes across the surface and scatter. The pattern of scattering builds up a 3D image depending on the contours of the specimen.
  • problems with using a TEM?
    • Specimens have to be very thin, particularly for TEM so that the electrons can pass through.
    • The whole system must be in a vacuum so living specimens cannot be observed.
    • Artefacts may be produced due to complex staining and prep process.
    • 2D and not in colour
  • problems with SEM?
    • SEM has a lower resolving power than TEM, but both have greater resolving power than a light microscope.
    • No internal structures can be seen.