Lesson 2: Collecting Data

Cards (9)

  • True or False: There is a method which can be regarded as the best.
  • Most simple data collection techniques. Data are obtained by observing the behavior of the subjects at a particular time of occurrence.
    Observation Method
  • Useful when the researcher wants to collect data for cause-and-effect studies under controlled conditions. There is actual human interference with the situations that can affect the variables under study.
    Experimental Method
  • The researcher gathers or measures data from a primary source for publication. The data are already existing in archives.
    Archival Method
  • The data are coming from the information in compliance with existing laws.
    Registration Method
  • The desired information is obtained through asking questions.

    Survey Method
  • Survey method can either be _________ and _______.
    Direct (personal interview method) or Indirect (questionnaire method).

  • Which type of Survey Method:
    There is a person to person contact between the interviewer and the interviewee. This is an effective method of data collection because one can directly obtain accurate and precise information and at the same time, verify from the respondents the data. It has a high response rate although it can be administered only one at a time.
    Personal Interview Method
  • Type of Survey Method:
    This is the easist method of data collection because the data gathering tools can be administered to a large number of respondents, simultaneously. However, it has a lower response rate.
    Questionnaire Method