Lesson 5: Measuring Vital Statistical Rates in Demography

Cards (15)

  • Demography is the study of characteristics or attributes of human population.
  • Demographic variables are used in describing the characteristics of human population like the size of the population and how it changes over a period of time.
  • Demographic data are essential elements in health program planning, disease control and health information dissemination.
  • Vital statistics refer to the data that records significant events and dates in human life.
  • Vital statistics include data on births, deaths and marriages as well as the measures of illness and diseases.
  • Mortality refers primarily to the data on deaths
  • number of deaths in a calendar year. Affected by age and sex composition of the population.
    Annual crude death rate
  • Age specific death rate
    the number of deaths in a specific or particular age group in a calendar year divided by the population of the same age group pf that year. Eg 11-20 y/o
  • The cause specific death rate
    defined as the number of deaths that occurred in a specific cause in a calendar year. Eg, Car accidents
  • Infant mortality rate (IMR)
    Number of deaths among infants under 1 year of age in a calendar year per 1,000 live births in the same period.
  • Maternal Mortality ratio
    measure the number of deaths due to diseases directly related to pregnancy, delivery, and puerperium
  • Fertility rate
    pertain to population control., specifically useful in planning and designing maternal and child health care
  • Morbidity
    pertain to disease statistics which are gathered primarily to provide information on the prevalence of disease
  • A satisfactory proxy for incidence if survival in not related to the risk factors under investigation
  • Often used as an alternative to incidence in the study of rarer chronic diseases