Republican dominance and its opponents, 1981-92

Cards (55)

  • Omnibus Reconciliation Act

    - 1981- Cut gov spending to 300 programmes
  • Spending cuts?
    Cut by $963bn 1981-7
  • Food stamps?
    Cut by 13% 1982-5
  • Number of people defined as poor?
    Increased from 12% to 15% 1979-82
  • Office of Surface Mining?

    Lost 40% workforce 1981-2
  • Air Traffic Controllers?
    1981: 11,000 went on strike and were fired by Reagan
  • Federal Debt?
    Increased by $321bn during Reagan presidency
  • Annual defence spending?

    Increased from $171bn to $242bn 1981-6
  • National Debt?

    Increased from $214bn to $2.7tn
  • Trade Deficit?

    $170bn by 1986
  • Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act
    1985: failed
  • Bush: Taxes
    - "Read my lips, no new taxes"- 1990: income tax increased 28% to 31%
  • Gramm Rudman Act

    - 1985- Fed gov to balance budget
  • How many votes could Reagan get from evangelical christians?

  • Jerry Falwell
    - Old Time Gospel Hour: 1.5m audience- Moral majority: raised £100m for rep party
  • Religious Right: Abortion
    - Pressure on Rep candidates to be pro-life- Used reformed sinners- Chastity clinics
  • Webster v Reproductive services Missouri
    - 1989- restrictions on abortion- only 3 states followed ruling
  • Planned Parenthood v. Casey
    -1992- Re-affirmed Roe V Wade
  • Pat Buchanan
    1992 election- Republican leader- declared cultural war against gays, feminists, and supporters of abortion rights
  • Georgia Law
    - 1986 SC upheld Georgia law that criminalised sodomy
  • Drug use?
    40m used illegal substances, 12,000 annual deaths
  • Just Say No campaign
    - Nancy Reagan- 1988 Drug free at the workplace act
  • Student drug use?

    decreased from 6% to 4%
  • Marijuana use?

    decreased from 10% to 3%
  • Nintendo?

    - 1985
  • Atari 2600
    - 1977
  • Space Invaders
    - 1980
  • IBM 5150
    - 1981- 16kb on floppy disks- $1600
  • Walkman
    - 1979- 1989: 50m sold
  • MTV
    - 1981- Madonna, Michael Jackson
  • Phillips CD100
    - 1982: first CD player
  • CD Sales?

    $103m 1984
  • Language on TV?

    Profanity every 6mins on over-the-air tv but every 2mins on cable
  • MTV: Criticisms?
    - Black artists rarely shown- Women objectified in videos
  • Music: Criticisms?
    - Rap music: anti-authority e.g **** the police 1988- 1988 Voluntary rating system
  • How many deaths was AIDS responsible for?

    46,000 by 1989
  • Bowers v Hardwick
    - 1986- SC upheld Geogia Law that outlawed gay sex
  • Conteversial films
    - 1983: The Day After: Nuclear warfare- 1988: Rain Man: Autism- 1989: My Left Foot: Disability
  • Harold Washington
    - First Black mayor of Chicago in 1983- Added 10,000 new voters 1982-3
  • Jesse Jackson
    - Ran for Democrat party nomination 1984 and 1988