Luigi Galvani

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  • Luigi Galvani was an Italian physician who studied at Bologna University.
  • Luigi Galvani planned to study theology but undertook the study of natural sciences and specialised in anatomy and physiology.
  • Luigi Galvani became a lecturer at the age of 25.
  • Luigi Galvani was interested in how dissected creatures' muscles could be moved with an electric current passed through them, most famously a frog's hind leg.
  • Luigi Galvani believed that a nervous electrical fluid existed, which when conducted by the nerves of the brain to the muscles, made them move.
  • Luigi Galvani's theory of a nervous electrical fluid is now disproven, but his work was considered true of the time and he was one of the most famous scientists in Europe.
  • While Mary Shelley is vague in how Victor brings the creature to life, electricity is involved and it is clear that Victor is meant to be aware of Galvani’s work and applied a similar stimulation.
  • 1737 - 1798