Characteristics of OCD

Cards (9)

  • The three behavioural characteristics of OCD are : Repetitive compulsions, anxiety and avoidance
  • Repetitive compulsions is the most prominent feature of OCD.
  • Avoidance refers to behaviours designed to prevent exposure to feared stimuli or situations.
  • Anxiety is an emotional response to perceived threat or danger that can be physical (e.g., heart palpitations) or psychological (e.g., fear).
  • The three emotional characteristics of OCD are : Guilt and disgust , accompanying depression , anxiety and distress
  • The three cognitive characteristics of OCD are : Obsessive thoughts, cognitive strategies , insight into excessive anxiety
  • Insight into excessive anxiety involves recognizing that one's fears are irrational but being unable to control them.
  • Cognitive strategies include mental rituals such as counting, repeating phrases, or engaging in mental imagery to neutralize obsessions.
  • Obsessions refer to intrusive, unwanted, repetitive thoughts, images, impulses, or urges that cause significant distress or interfere with daily functioning.