
Cards (14)

  • Cultural Deprivation- linguistic skills
    • black pupils are thought to underachieve due to inadequate socialisation
    • Bereiter & Englemann argue that language is not the main barrier, Indian pupils don't face the barrier
  • Cultural Deprivation- Attitudes and Values
    • subcultures of black pupils are found to be fatalistic and focused on immediate gratification, leading to the lack of motivation to revise
    • Arnot argues that an anti-school role model is created by the media though the 'ultra tough ghetto superstar' persona reinforced through rap lyrics
  • Cultural Deprivation- Family Structure

    • Murray argues that many single parent households of afro-carribean descent are matrifocal, and the lack of male role model leads to underachievement
    • He also suggests that children who grow up without a male role model are inadequately socialised, become inadequate parents themselves and continue the cycle
  • Sewell- asian families
    Argues that Chinese and Indian pupils benefit from supportive families that have an 'Asian work ethic', he contrasts this to lone-parent black families
  • Criticisms of Cultural Deprivation theory;
    • Keddie argues that this theory is victim-blaming, minority ethnic group children are not culturally deprived, but culturally different, and are up against a ethnocentric curriculum that prioritises white culture
  • Basit
    Similar to Sewell, Argues that Asian families highly value education, as they see it as a blessing that was not offered in their home countries
  • Murray crisitism;

    Defames matrifocal lone-parent households, many black Carribean families have strong black women as role models, this can be seen in the way black girls are often times more successful than black boys
  • Flaherty
    Recognises that ethnic groups are more likely to experience poverty, unemployment or work low-paying jobs, this can be seen in the way Pakistani parents are 2 times more likely to have unskilled jobs, and 15% of minority groups live in overcrowded housing
  • Bereiter & Englemann
    • language spoken by black pupils was often times found to be insufficient for educational success, as it was ungrammatical and disjointed
    • they argued that this a result of pupils from low-income black families lacking intellectual enrichment
  • Attitudes
    • major cause for achievement for black pupils is the fact that they are often times socialised to be harbour fatalistic views, practise immediate gratification and focus on present-time orientation
    • this leads to a lack of importance being place on the value of education
  • The difference between Asian and Black families is rooted in colonialism. Slavery caused a loss of family system, religion and true culture in many Black families, this by-product of slavery is one that has been passed on to subsequent generations. Asian families, who were not as heavily impacted, were able to retain their culture and family structures.
  • Pryce
    • argued that asian families tend to ignore racism more effectively than black families, resulting in less of an impact on self-esteem and by extension educational attainment
  • There is a cultural emphasis on the value of education in many Chinese and Indian families, which helps to elucidate the high academic perfomances
  • Ethnic minority pupils struggle to assimilate and integrate into an ethnocentric education system. This resistance to assimilation could stem from feelings that they are betraying their own culture and instead asked to adapt to British, white culture.