Hitler was appointed as leader of the DAP on July 29, 1921
The Munich putch was a disaster for the Nazis but in the longer term, it was more positive. It caused Hitler to decide the Nazis needed change
Hitler reorganised the Structure Of the party:
Local branches were set up in every area of the countries
The SA purposely appealed to young men with no food prospects or anywhere to live and gave them food, a uniform and lodgings when they Joined
Nazi associations were set up to appeal to everyone. The NS Frauenschaft (a women organisation) was established alongside the National Socialist German Student's league. in 1926 the Nazis also Set up the Hitler Youth
in 1926, Hitler established the cult of the Fuhrer
The SS were set up and were required to swear an oath of loyalty to Hitler personally
Hitler adapted the tactics used by the Nazis to win support
Joseph Geobbels was appointed to Spread the Nazi message through a large use of propaganda. He organised rallies and Coordinated production of leaf lets, posters and radio broadcasts
The SA were instructed to tone down their violent tactics and to instead appeaL to the middle classes through order and Strength
The Nazis appealed to farmers and promised them higher prices for their produce,. and they also preached about the purity of rural life
Hitler Changes increased party membership from 27,000 to over 100,000 by 1928