Cards (9)

  • Deltas form where rivers meet the ocean.
  • If there is little tidal/wave action, sediment will be deposited in the mouth of the river due to the loss of energy and build up over time.
  • The channel becomes blocked and the river splits into new distributary channels.
  • In between delta channels, swampy islands form, these contain lots of vegetation if the delta is in the tropics and are the main sources of old coal.
  • On the islands, mudstone and coal is found.
  • In the channels, either sand (arkose) or pebbles (conglomerates) are found depending on the length of the river.
  • Foresets are composed of sandstone, cross bedding or asymmetrical ripple marks.
  • Bottomsets contain the smallest grains (siltstone/mudstone).
  • A coarsening up sequence, representing a delta building up to sea, is called a cyclotherm.