Milgram (1963)

Cards (2)

  • The Social Area - Outline
    -> this approach suggests that all human behaviour occurs in a social context. behaviours influenced by people ,, environment & situations we are in
    -> other people & environment influence out behaviour and thought processes ,, & out relationships with others influence out behaviour & thought proceses
    -> this approach tends to use observational methods to study interactions between people in real life ,, or controlled laboratory settings
  • The Defining Principles
    -> our relationships with others influence out behaviour & thought processes
    • family members become vegetarians ,, spouses become interested in same hobbies ,, E.G. biking
    -> situations we're in influence our behaviour (E.G. acting in a way that's deemed acceptable by society)
    • when we go to cash machine ,, people form an orderly queue
    -> all human behaviour occurs in a social context (even when no-one else is present)
    • wearing clothes at home even though you're not going out & live alone