Computer misuse Offence 1 - unauthorisedaccess to computermaterial
Punishment: up to 2 years in prison and/or large fine
Offence 3a– Making, supplying or obtaininganything which can be used in computer misuseoffences.
Punished by up to 2 years in prison and/or a large fine.
Offence 1examples:
Hacking computer
Offence 3 examples?
DOS attack, and hacking a system
Computer misuse Offence 3 - Unauthorised acts with intent, or recklessness toward impairing the operation of a system.
Punishment: up to 10years in prison and/or largefine
Offence 3a examples?
Creating malware
Computer misuse Offence 2 - unauthorised access with intent to further other offences
Punishment: Up to 5 years in prison and/or a large fine
Computer misuse offence 3ZA is?
Unauthorised access causing, or creating risk of, serious damage to computer systems
Computer misuse offence 3ZA - A serious cyber attack, usually having risk of loss of life, etc
Punishemnt: An unlimited fine and/or up to 14 years in prison, unless there is a risk to social welfare or national security. In which case it is a maximum life sentence
Real life example of a computer misuse act was cracka, a 16-year-old boy who hacked CIA and FBI accounts and traded their sensitive data.
A boy was arrested on suspicion of these actions, accused with committing section 1,2, and 3 misuse acts
Another real life example of a computer misuse offence was a man named Cuthbert, who triggered a websites protection systems. He was attempting to access it to discover if it was a scam.
He was found to have been in breach of section 1 and had to pay £400 as a fine and £600 to the court