Musical Elements Africa

Cards (9)

  • the instrumentation of Africa:
    Drum kit with additional percussion, lead and bass guitars, synthesizers, male lead vocals and male backing vocals
  • the tempo for Africa is moderately fast
  • most of Africa is mf whereas the chorus is f
  • the structure is verse/chorus form
    Intro - bar 1-4 - 4 bars
    Verse 1 - bar 5-39 - 35 bars
    Chorus 1 - bar 40-57 - 18 bars
    Link 1 - bar 58-65 - 8 bars
    Verse 2 - bar 14-39 - 26 bars
    Chorus 2 - bar 40-57 - 18 bars
    Link 2 - bar 58-65 - 8 bars
    Instrumental - bar 66-82 - 17 bars
    Chorus 3 - bar 40-92 - 22 bars
    Outro - bar 93-96 - 4 bars
  • the tonality of Africa is major with all the verses being in B major and all the choruses in A major
  • Africa is diatonic throughout
  • the melody is mostly conjunct with occasional use of the pentatonic scale. the pitch range of the vocal line is just less than two octaves on the printed score, but is wider on the recording with the vocal improvisations at the end of the song
  • there are ostinato rhythms consisting almost totally of quavers with constant use of syncopation in place. the time signature is 2/2 throughout
  • the texture is homophonic, but more specifically melody and accompaniment