The psychodynamic approach

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  • Psychodynamic approach
    A perspective that describes the different forces (dynamics), most of which are unconscious, that operate on the mind and direct human behaviour and experience.
  • The unconscious
    The part of the mind that we are unaware of but which directs much of our behaviour.
  • Id
    Entirely unconscious, the Id is made up of selfish aggressive instincts that demand immediate gratification.
  • Ego
    The 'reality check' that balances the conflicting demands of the Id and the Superego.
  • Superego
    The moralistic part of our personality which represents the ideal self - how we ought to be.
  • Defence mechanisms
    Unconscious strategies that the Ego uses to manage the conflict between the Id and the Superego.
  • Psychosexual stages
    Five developmental stages that all children pass through. At each stage there is a different conflict, the outcome of which determines future development.
  • The role of the unconscious
    Freud proposed that our mind is like an iceberg - the conscious part we're aware of is just the tip, while most of our mind is unconscious (containing hidden drives and repressed memories) and preconscious (containing accessible but currently inactive thoughts). He showed this through examples like accidentally calling teachers "mom" - which reveals unconscious connections in our minds.
  • The structure of personality- Id
    This is the primitive part of our personality. It operates on the pleasure principle - the Id gets what it wants. It is a seething mass of unconscious drives and instincts. Only the Id is present at birth (Freud described babies as being 'bundles of Id'). Throughout life the Id is entirely selfish and demands instant gratification of its needs.
  • The structure of personality- Ego
    This works on the reality principle and is the mediator between the other two parts of the personality. The Ego develops around the age of two years and its role is to reduce the conflict between the demands of the Id and the Superego. It manages this by employing a number of defence mechanisms.
  • The structure of personality- Superego
    This is formed at the end of the phallic stage, around the age of five. It is our internalised sense of right and wrong. Based on the morality principle it represents the moral standards of the child's same-gender parent and punishes the Ego for wrongdoing (through guilt).
  • Psychosexual stages
    Freud claimed that child development occurred in five stages. Each stage (apart from latency) is marked by a different conflict that the child must resolve in order to progress successfully to the next stage (see the 'Oedipus conflict on the facing page). Any psychosexual conflict that is unresolved leads to fixation where the child becomes 'stuck' and carries certain behaviours and conflicts associated with that stage through to adult life.
  • Defence mechanisms
    Ego has a difficult job balancing the conflicting demands of the Id and the Superego but it does have help in the form of defence mechanisms. These are unconscious and ensure that the Ego is able to prevent us from being overwhelmed by temporary threats or traumas. However, they often involve some form of distortion of reality and as a long-term solution they are regarded as psychologically unhealthy and undesirable.
  • Repression
    Forcing a distressing memory out of the conscious mind.
  • Denial
    Refusing to acknowledge some aspect of reality.
  • Displacement
    Transferring feelings from true source of distressing emotion onto a substitute target.
  • strength of psychodynamic approach
    The psychodynamic approach, pioneered by Freud, made a significant breakthrough by introducing psychotherapy (talking therapy) instead of physical treatments - he created psychoanalysis, which helps patients by bringing hidden emotions to the surface through techniques like dream analysis, paving the way for modern counseling methods.
  • Counterpoint of strength of psychodynamic approach
    Although Freudian therapists have claimed success for many clients with mild neuroses, psychoanalysis is regarded as inappropriate, even harmful, for people experiencing more serious mental disorders (such as schizophrenia). Many of the symptoms of schizophrenia, such as paranoia and delusional thinking, mean that those with the disorder have lost their grip on reality and cannot articulate their thoughts in the way required by psychoanalysis. This suggests that Freudian therapy (and theory) may not apply to all mental disorders.
  • Strength of psychodynamic approach
    Despite its controversial nature, Freud's psychodynamic theory has significantly influenced psychology and modern thinking by explaining various aspects of human behavior - from personality and psychological disorders to moral development and gender identity - while emphasizing the crucial link between childhood experiences (especially parent relationships) and adult development, ultimately benefiting not just psychology but also arts and literature.
  • Limitation of psychodynamic approach
    The psychodynamic approach, according to philosopher Karl Popper, lacks scientific credibility because many of Freud's key concepts (like the Id and Oedipus complex) operate at an unconscious level and were based on individual case studies (like Little Hans), making them impossible to test or disprove - this makes the theory pseudoscientific rather than factual.