Parsons 1955: functions of the family depend on the needs of the society
Young and Willmott 1973: contradict Parsons 1955 as the nuclear family was present in pre industrial society
Anderson 1980: working class used the extended family in mid 1800s
Parsons 1955: family ceased to be unit of production after industrialisation
Marx: earliest society was 'primitive communism'
Engels: rise of monogamous nuclear family represented a 'world historic defeat of the female sex' as it brought female sexuality under men's control turning women into a 'mere instrument for the production of children'
Zaretsky 1976: family provides a 'haven' from capitalism where workers can 'be themselves' but its an illusion as the family cannot meet all of the members needs (women opressed)
Sex Discrimination Act 1975: march of progress as outlawed discrimination in the workplace
Fran Ansley 1972: women are takers of shit who soak up the frustattion their husbands feel due to the alienation and exploitation they suffer at work
radical feminism:
men are the enemy
political lesbianism
Greer 2000: argues for creation of matrilocal households
Sommerville 2000: radical feminism neglects march of progress and political lesbianism is unrealistic because of hetrosexual attraction
personal life perspective:
others tend to assume nuclear family
others are structural theories
beyond traditional ties:
fictive kin
gay 'chosen families'
relationships with pets
Tipper 2011: children frequently saw their pets as part of their family
Nordqvist and Smart 2014: using donor conceived children established importance of social relationships over genetic ones in forming family bonds