Cards (20)

  • C is a general-purpose programming language which features economy of expression, modern control flow and data structures and a rich set of operations.
  • C is has been called as “system programming language” because it is useful for writing compilers and operating systems.
  • C is a structured programming language. It is considered a high- level language because it allows the programmers to concentrate on the problems at hand.
  • Interpreter - Is a system of executing code wherein the source code is ‘interpreted’ and executed line by line by the computer.
  • Compiler - Is a system of executing code wherein the source code is first ‘compiled’ and converted into another file that contains its object code equivalent before being executed
  • Compile Time - Is the phase wherein the source code is converted or ‘compiled’ to object code. Object
  • Code - Also known as machine code or binary code, is the output of the compiler that is directly executable by the computer
  • Source code - It refers to any text file written using a programming language readable by humans.
  • Run time - Is the phase wherein the program is being ‘run’ or executed by the computer.
  • Library - Is a collection of pre-written code that can be used by the programmer
  • Syntax errors - These are the errors or mistakes in the syntax that is required by the programming language. This results in a compilation error.
  • Semantic/ Run time errors - These are errors found when the code is successfully compiled but raises an error due to a mistake in logic. This results in an error in the results or output.
  • Debugger- Is the process of testing and correcting errors or bugs in the code.
  • Editors - Are used to create and edit the source code. Integrated development environments (IDEs) are just editors which have features that make programming easier
  • Identifiers - are the names or terms used to identify code or objects that are defined or declared by the programmers
  • Literals - are those that correspond to ‘literal’ data represented by the computer. These data can be an integer, a floating point, a character, a string or a boolean.
  • Integer Literal - It represents the whole numbers that contain digits and an optional sign(+ or -).
  • Floating point Literal - It represents real numbers that contain digits, the optional sign and a period.
  • Boolean Literal - It represents the logical value of true (1) and false(0)
  • Character Literal - It represents a single character from all those supported by C as represented in the ASCII character code. It contains a single character enclosed in single quotes.