Chorus 3 Africa

Cards (4)

  • chorus 3 - bar 40-92 - 22 bars - A major
  • this section repeats the music stated in Chorus 1 with three notable changes:
    1. a new electric guitar riff is heard on the recording in the last bar of each phrase
    2. Phrase 3 - 'I bless the rains down in Africa' - is heard 5 times, making this section significantly longer than before
    3. during phrase 3, a solo vocal improvisation is heard at the end of the first, second, and fourth repeats. each one is different, the first two using the lyrics 'I bless the rain', whist the final one uses 'I'm gonna take some time'
  • Outro- bars 93-96 - 4 bars -B major
  • The outro repeats the music stated in the introduction. On the recording the music repeats and the texture is gradually reduced each time so that by the end the music is reduced to only the rhythm track heard at the beginning of the song accompanied by the baseline of riff a