No et Moi quotes

Cards (8)

  • Said by: LouContext: Talking about how No isn't part of their world and won't ever be
    "Elle vit dans un monde parallele, inaccessible"
  • Said by: LouContext: Christmas is a lie and we should be focusing on social issues instead of celebrating
    "Noël est un mensonge"
  • Said by: LouContext: We are capable of letting people die in the streets, the government needs to do more to help people
    "On est capable de laisser mourir des gens dans la rue"
  • Said by: Anouk to LouContext: She believes that there's nothing we can do about homelessness
    "Les choses sont ce qu'elles sont"
  • Said by: No to LouContext: She doesn't think she'll ever be part of their family
    "Je ne serai jamais de ta famille!"
  • Said by: Lucas to LouContext: They can't fight this, they wont succeed at helping No
    "Pepite, on ne peut pas se battre"
  • Said by: LouContext: My mum hasn't gone out in a few years"
    "Ma mere ne sort plus de chez moi depuis des années"
  • Said by: Lou to her dadContext: Lou thinks her mum hasn't loved her since her sister died
    "Depuis que Thaïs est morte maman ne m'aime plus"