Liver, brain, heart: the first recognised and named organs
Smith Papyrus (finished around 1600 BCE) shows that besides organs it was known that bloodvesselsemanate from the heart
Mesopotamia: practices of removing the liver not for medical but for ritual practices -- liver served as a map for the future
Ancient India: anatomy was presented in Susruta-Samhita but limited, mentioning only those organs/structures that were important to surgery
Ancient China: Confucius' teachings forbade the violation of the human body. No dissections, only speculations until the 18th century. Diagrams and artificial models for anatomy
ALCmEon was probably the first to identify an Eustachian tube. Credited for the first anatomical work, though it hasn't survived.
HIPPOCRATES OF KOS: physiology and pathology. Had presented basic understanding of musculoskeletal structure.
Probably was the very first person to discover the tricuspid valve.
made autopsy one of the main tools for scientific investigation
suggested that the HEART is the main organ, while ALCmeon and HIPPOCRATES thought it was the brain.
Praxagoras (pupil of Aristotle): found out about arteries and speculated that they carry a DIVINE element -- pneuma.
HEROphilos: systematically AND LEGALLY performed human cadaver dissections.
suggested -- brain is the main administrative organ
nervous system = motion + sensation
first one to MEASURE pulse accurately, using the WATER CLOCK --> CAME TO THE CONCLUSION THAT HEART WORKS AS A PUMP
ERASIStratus: described valves of the heart before GALEN did. + anatomical structure of duodenum.
2 B.C. AUTOPSIES ARE FORBIDDEN due to religious and moral law.
Anatomy + physiology
ATTEMPTED to describe the full anatomy of a man, using only prev. research and animal dissection.
Wrote his compilation in greek, his works are rarely analyzed and studied.
Hunayn ibn ИШАК (Ishaq) -- translated the works of GALEN for muslim physicians.
Spread the Galenic knowledge throughout the Islamic world
Included Galenic anatomy in his Canon of Medicine book.
IBN AL-NAFIS (Алладин - сердце):
stated that anatomy and physiology should be studied empirically rather than philosophically.
"interventricular septum DOES NOT have pores--> the output of the right vent. can only reach the left ventricle through PULMONARY CIRCULATION" --> opposition to GALEN
predicted the existence of capillaries
Medical School of Salerno: dissections on animals, teachings of Avicenna and Galen
1315 AD, the first official autopsy was done by Mondino De’Luzzi. (the law approving that was issued in 1231, though).
MONDINO DE LUZZI (луцци -лучший -- восстановитель):
RESTORER of anatomy: -- practicals! dissections!
Still based himself on teaching of Avicenna and GAlen
Hela Ricardus (HELL RICK -- танцующие скелеты):
first image of human skeleton
Peyglick (глюк системы)-- tried to figure out the structure of nervous system, but was unsuccessful
Leonardo da Vinci:
treated the human body like a machine, so his illustrations followed the same principle.
drew BIG LADY -- with unbiological features
still based on Galen's works
anatomia sensata - you need to touch and see with your own eyes
VESALIUS (версус):
The one who finally opposed Galen’s teachings
his work was printed in 1543
COLOMBO (как Крситофер Колумб):
discovered pulmonary circuit
the main function of the heart is to PUMP not dilute
adrenal glands + Eustachian tube
fallopian tubes
anatomy of the head
Fabrici (сморя какой fabrics... строитель)
the first Teatrum Anatomicum
discovery of venous VALVES (flaps)
Improved Theatrum anatomicum with proper light AND spacious for dissection team and table
thoruoghly did dissections as to understand God's will.
Swammerdam (swimmer damn жучки):
pionner of microscope anatomy
RUYSCH (рубин):
unique preparatory technique: coloured the blood vessels with mercury sulfate to make them distinctive.
Malphigi (МАЛ да удал):
microscope - the primary tool
observed RBC
Malphigicarposol -- the blood fiktering component
microscopic research, percsion in picturing small vessels
WILIAM HUNTER (охотник на женщин):
Helped to establish modern embryology
Gave precise pictures of human foetus
BICHAT (тишьят):
tissue theory -- the ground of histology
HYRTL (hurts):
topographical anatomy
Henle (легко):
loop of Henle in kidneys
TEICHMANN (технишиан убирает жидкость):
full description of the LYMPHATICSYSTEM, using his own preparation method