Week 8

Cards (85)

  • Toxins are poisonous substances produced by certain microorganisms
  • Effects of toxins
    • Can produce fever, cardiovascular problems, diarrhea, shock
    • Can block protein synthesis, destroy blood cells, blood vessels, disrupt the nervous system, disrupt the immune response
    • Toxins are the most powerful human poison known (e.g., botulinum, diphtheria, and tetanus toxins)
  • 30 ng (0.000 000 030g) is sufficient to induce botulism in human adults by the oral route
  • Toxin nomenclature
    • Named by activity, cell target (neurotoxin, enterotoxin, cytotoxins)
    • Named by producer (cholera toxin, tetanus toxin, diphtheria, etc.)
    • Named by order of discovery (a, b, d specific to species)
  • Types of toxins
    • Endotoxins and cell wall components
    • Exotoxins: released from live bacteria, including Cytolysins, A-B toxins, and Toxins acting on host defences (superantigens)
  • Endotoxins
    Released from growing bacteria, released from bacteria lysed by host defences, released upon antibiotic treatment
  • Exotoxins
    Released from live bacteria, including Cytolysins with cell membrane targets, A-B toxins with intracellular targets, and Toxins acting on host defences (superantigens)
  • LPS (Lipopolysaccharide)

    Gram-negative bacteria: lipid A is the toxic portion, activates complement and stimulates production of cytokines
  • LPS Toxicity
    Lipid A from LPS bound by LPB and directed to CD14/TLR4, signal transduction to cytoplasm (NFkB + MAPK) and production of cytokines (IL-1, IL-6, TNFα), activation of complement cascade, histamine release, increased vascular permeability, vasodilation, activation of coagulation cascade leading to depletion of coagulation factors, platelets, internal bleeding, acute disseminated intravascular coagulation, inflammation, hypotension
  • LPS net effect is induction of fever, inflammation, intravascular coagulation, which can lead to haemorrhage and septic shock
  • Bacterial exotoxins can be classified into 3 classes according to their mechanisms of action: Toxins that damage membranes, Toxins that act as enzymes (A/B toxins, enterotoxins, cytotoxins, neurotoxins), Toxins that activate immune response (Superantigens)
  • Toxins that damage membranes are inserted into the membrane and form trans-membrane pores, leading to cellular swelling and lysis with phagocytes as the main target
  • Perfringolysin O from Clostridium perfringens and α-hemolysin (α-toxin, Hla) from Staphylococcus aureus are examples of toxins that damage membranes
  • Large pore-forming toxins are proteins 50-60 kDa, cholesterol-dependent with conserved C-terminal motif, bind cholesterol on membrane, polymerise with pores from 3nm up to 35nm inducing membrane permea
  • Cell membrane
    • Causes cell lysis
    • Alters signaling pathways (influx of Ca2+)
    • Contributes to disease
  • Pore forming toxins (PFT)

    • Large pore-forming toxins: Proteins 50-60 kDa, cholesterol dependent with conserved C terminal motif
    • Bind cholesterol on membrane
    • Polymerisation with pores from 3nm up to 35nm inducing membrane permeability, lysis, and cell death
    • Examples: Streptolysine (Streptococcus pyogenes), Listeriolysine (Listeria monocytogenes)
  • Small pore-forming toxins
    • Polymerisation 2 subunits, pores 1 to 1.5nm with selective permeability for small ions and nucleotides
    • Consequence: disruption of membrane permeability, activation of endonucleases, cytokines production, initiation of apoptosis
    • High concentration of toxins induce cell death
    • Ca2+ entry
    • Example: alpha-toxin (Staphylococcus aureus)
  • Toxins that act as enzymes
    • A/B toxins: 2 subunits - A enzymatic activity, B binding to membrane receptor and translocation of A subunit
    • A/B: 1 polypeptide formed by 2 domains separated by proteolysis
    • A+B: 2 proteins which interact at cell host surface
    • A-(5)B: 2 subunits independently produced and non-covalently associated during secretion
  • Attachment and entry AB toxins
    1. Binding of B subunit(s) to receptor on host target cell
    2. Endocytosis of A-B subunits
    3. H+, pH diminution = toxin separation, B subunit recycled by endosome, A subunit released in cytoplasm
    4. A subunit transported by retrograde transport to Golgi and ER before being released in cytoplasm (Shiga toxin)
  • Three forms of anthrax disease: cutaneous, intestinal, and inhalation
  • Inhalation anthrax usually fatal: severe breathing problems and shock
  • Edema factor (EF): Calmodulin-dependent adenylate cyclase – produces cAMP – PKA signaling
  • Lethal factor (LF): Zn-metalloprotease - degrades MAPK proteins – disable signal transduction
  • Two different A-components lethal factor (LF) and edema factor (EF) share a common B-cell binding component called protective antigen (PA)
  • Botulinum neurotoxin (BoNT) action
    Blocks release of acetylcholine causing muscle flaccid paralysis
  • Tetanus neurotoxin (TeNT) action

    Blocks release of Glycine and GABA causing spastic paralysis
  • Botulinum neurotoxins
    • Zn metalloproteases that cleave SNARE proteins and block exocytosis
  • SNARE proteins
    • Necessary for vesicular transport and fusion between plasma membrane and vesicles
  • Acute diarrheal illness with severe dehydration caused by intestinal infection with Vibrio cholera (gram-negative curved bacteria)
  • Transmission of Vibrio cholerae by ingestion of contaminated food or water
  • Severe Cholera symptoms: diarrhea, vomiting, dessication, hypotension
  • Without therapy, severe cholera can advance to acute renal failure, coma, shock, and death (25-50%, typically within hours)
  • Cholera toxin is an A-B toxin that ADP-ribosylates large G proteins regulating cyclic AMP (cAMP) via adenylate cyclase
  • Cholera toxin stimulates chloride ions secretion via cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) chloride channel, leading to diarrhea
  • In severe cases of Cholera, up to 12 liters of liquid can be lost per day
  • Untreated cases of Cholera have a mortality rate of about 50%
  • Treatment for Cholera includes fluids and electrolytes
  • How does the cholera toxin induce diarrhea?
    ADP-ribosylation of PKA, leading to an increase in cAMP and stimulation of chloride ions secretion
  • Toxins like Superantigens can induce Toxic Shock Syndrome by causing massive release of cytokines
  • Superantigens cause widespread non-specific stimulation of T-cells, leading to excessive cytokine release and systemic effects