Self-report -> ppt answers questions in order to collect thoughts/attitudes/feelings/opinions
Used to:
Understand how ppl feel about certain issues, e.g. immigration
Measure psychometric properties, e.g. IQ
Conduct large-scale surveys to gage extent to which ppl are likely to vote, use sustainable energy, etc
What are the key features of open questionnaires?
Offers freedom of response
Generally generate qualitative data, e.g. interview transcripts, emerging themes in conversation, complex things about a person that can't be reduced into numerical data (subjective)
What are the key features of closed questionnaires?
Offers limited options for ppts' responses
Generate quantitative data, e.g. number of 'yes' responses across questionnaires, number of times ppts picked option 'B', total score calculated from scaled questions, etc
What are the strengths of all questionnaires?
Quick, easy + convenient way of gathering data
Large samples reached via electronic survey tools
Large samples = reliable data + anomalous results averaged by overall data trends
What are the weaknesses of all questionnaires?
People tend to under-report negative things + over-report positive things about themselves = ppts succumb to social desirability effect + validity of findings impaired
Questionnaires can under-utilise open questions = usefulness limited -> shows 'what' of behaviour instead of 'why'
What are the strengths of open-ended question questionnaires?
Allows ppt to expand on answers they give = both researchers + ppt can clarify/explain/qualify answers = good explanatory power to each response
+ general strengths of all questionnaires
What are the weaknesses of open-ended question questionnaires?
Questions difficult to analyse since answers are subjective -> researchers have to interpret meaning + intention = potential lack of consistency + objectivity
Often lack reliability
+ general weaknesses of all questionnaires
What are the strengths of close-ended question questionnaires?
Quantitative data = easy to analyse + spot patterns -> can be presented both graphically + statistically = higher reliability (data can all be quantified in the same way)