Self-report -> ppt answers questions in order to collect thoughts/attitudes/feelings/opinions
Used to:
Understand how ppl feel about certain issues, e.g. immigration
Measure psychometricproperties, e.g. IQ
Conduct large-scalesurveys to gage extent to which ppl are likely to vote, use sustainable energy, etc
What are the key features of open questionnaires?
Offers freedom of response
Generally generate qualitative data, e.g. interviewtranscripts, emerging themes in conversation, complex things about a person that can't be reduced into numerical data (subjective)
What are the key features of closed questionnaires?
Offers limitedoptions for ppts' responses
Generate quantitative data, e.g. number of 'yes' responses across questionnaires, number of times ppts picked option 'B', total score calculated from scaled questions, etc
What are the strengths of all questionnaires?
Quick, easy + convenient way of gatheringdata
Large samples reached via electronicsurvey tools
Large samples = reliable data + anomalous results averaged by overall data trends
What are the weaknesses of all questionnaires?
People tend to under-reportnegative things + over-reportpositive things about themselves = ppts succumb to socialdesirabilityeffect + validity of findings impaired
Questionnaires can under-utiliseopen questions = usefulness limited -> shows 'what' of behaviour instead of 'why'
What are the strengths of open-ended question questionnaires?
Allows ppt to expand on answers they give = both researchers + ppt can clarify/explain/qualify answers = good explanatorypower to each response
+ general strengths of all questionnaires
What are the weaknesses of open-ended question questionnaires?
Questions difficult to analyse since answers are subjective -> researchers have to interpretmeaning + intention = potential lack of consistency + objectivity
Often lack reliability
+ general weaknesses of all questionnaires
What are the strengths of close-ended question questionnaires?
Quantitative data = easy to analyse + spot patterns -> can be presented both graphically + statistically = higher reliability (data can all be quantified in the same way)
Especially if there is a largersample!!
+ general strengths of all questionnaires
What are the weaknesses of close-ended question questionnaires?
Level of detail/insight required to understand reasons + explanations sacrificed
Often lack validity -> may not measure what it intended to
+ general weaknesses of all questionnaires
What factors does a survey NEED to have?

Cover everything possible -> leaving things out could affect validity
Avoid misunderstanding -> skewed answers could result from misunderstoodquestions
Know what info you want -> be specific + don't get sidetracked
Make it easily accessible for ppts
You need:
Writing + editingskills
Don't use leadingQs + have clearly distinctchoices = answers more likely to be representative of ppts' true beliefs = higher validity
What are the key features of all interviews?
Researcher asks diff. types of questions for ppt to answer
Usually done face to face but can be done on the phone, too
Researchers need training before conductingsocialinteractions with ppts
Especially when topic of interview = sociallysensitive!
What are the key features of structured interviews?
Questions asked by researchers = predetermined + close-ended in setsequence
Produce quantitative data
Interviewer does not deviate from questions planned in advance
They may clarifymeaning of question or offerprompt if ppt is confused, though
What are the key features of unstructured interviews?
Questions asked by researchers = notpredetermined
Researcher has initialaim, framework of what they want to investigate + some initialquestions formulated in advance
They focus on themes + ask follow-up questions to encourage ppts to elaborate (specific to ppt + depend on what is said in interview)
Often used to conduct exploratoryresearch + develop newlines of enquiry
What are the strengths of all interviews?
Access people's thoughts + feelings in a way otherresearchmethodscannot
Greater insight into people's actions provided (compared to non-self-report methods)
What are the weaknesses of all interviews?
Ppts may not be honest -> socialdesirabilitybias (outrightlying, adjustingtruth, lying by omission)
Ppts' answers may be affected by researchers'behaviour -> if behaviour not standardised, could produce differing answers due to diff. cues (interviewerbias)
Not an effective way of gaining insight into people who are not verbally articulate/comfortableexpressing themselves = results could be skewed in favour of more articulate ppts = representativeness + generalisabilitylimited
More time-consuming + expensive = can negativelyaffect sample size
What are the strengths of structured interviews?
Greater comparability than unstructured interviews -> standardised questions = responses across ppts can be easilycompared + patterns can be identified
Clear quantitative data = analysis through statisticalmanipulation of data to see patterns + work out likelihood of these happening by chancealone enabled
Analysis of data not as time-consuming/difficult + subjective as unstructured interviews
+ general strengths of all interviews
What are the weaknesses of structured interviews?
Quantitative data = lacks depth of insight that unstructured interviews have
Loweredcomparability than questionnaires due to potentialinterviewerbias influencing answers (unlike written questionnaires)
More time-consuming + expensive than questionnaires -> little benefit gained from researcher being present
+ general weaknesses of all interviews
What are the strengths of unstructured interviews?
Qualitative data = deeperinsight into ppts' thoughts, actions + motivations
Useful in providing significantinfo on newlines of enquiry (ppts have nolimitations on their answers + researchers can elaborate/ask follow-up questions by adjusting their questions in response )-> benefitgained for greater expense of unstructured interviews over questionnaires
+ general strengths of all interviews
What are the weaknesses of unstructured interviews?
Qualitative data = results much more time-consuming + difficult to analyse than quantitative data
Lowercomparability than questionnaires + structured interviews -> questions tailored to ppts' responses = patternsdifficult to identify
Much greater chance of interviewerbias affecting ppts' answers -> tailored questions = more similar to conversation than structured interview
Socialdesirabilitybias = more intense with increasedrapport between researcher + ppt -> heightenedinterviewerbias
+ general weaknesses of all interviews
What factors does an interview NEED to have?
Clarity -> questions = specific + unambiguous = no misinterpretation
Avoidance of interviewerbias -> leading questions = results skewed
Type of interviewer -> age, gender + cultural heritage could result in pptreactivity + interviewingskills key, too -> training provided!
Record interview -> analysis of data collected easier to conduct
Questions in specific order -> factual + basic Qs moving towards nuanced Qs = lowersanxiety/awkwardness
Be reflective -> non-verbal behaviours + listeningskills can affect ppts' forthcomingness