Self-report methods

    Cards (23)

    • What are the two types of self-report methods?
      • Questionnaires
      • Interviews
    • What are the two types of questionnaires?
      • Open-ended question
      • Close-ended question
    • What are the two types of interviews?
      • Structured
      • Unstructured
    • What are the key features of all questionnaires?
      • Self-report -> ppt answers questions in order to collect thoughts/attitudes/feelings/opinions
      • Used to:
      • Understand how ppl feel about certain issues, e.g. immigration
      • Measure psychometric properties, e.g. IQ
      • Conduct large-scale surveys to gage extent to which ppl are likely to vote, use sustainable energy, etc
    • What are the key features of open questionnaires?
      • Offers freedom of response
      • Generally generate qualitative data, e.g. interview transcripts, emerging themes in conversation, complex things about a person that can't be reduced into numerical data (subjective)
    • What are the key features of closed questionnaires?
      • Offers limited options for ppts' responses
      • Generate quantitative data, e.g. number of 'yes' responses across questionnaires, number of times ppts picked option 'B', total score calculated from scaled questions, etc
    • What are the strengths of all questionnaires?
      • Quick, easy + convenient way of gathering data
      • Large samples reached via electronic survey tools
      • Large samples = reliable data + anomalous results averaged by overall data trends
    • What are the weaknesses of all questionnaires?
      • People tend to under-report negative things + over-report positive things about themselves = ppts succumb to social desirability effect + validity of findings impaired
      • Questionnaires can under-utilise open questions = usefulness limited -> shows 'what' of behaviour instead of 'why'
    • What are the strengths of open-ended question questionnaires?
      • Allows ppt to expand on answers they give = both researchers + ppt can clarify/explain/qualify answers = good explanatory power to each response
      • + general strengths of all questionnaires
    • What are the weaknesses of open-ended question questionnaires?
      • Questions difficult to analyse since answers are subjective -> researchers have to interpret meaning + intention = potential lack of consistency + objectivity
      • Often lack reliability
      • + general weaknesses of all questionnaires
    • What are the strengths of close-ended question questionnaires?
      • Quantitative data = easy to analyse + spot patterns -> can be presented both graphically + statistically = higher reliability (data can all be quantified in the same way)
      • Especially if there is a larger sample!!
      • + general strengths of all questionnaires
    • What are the weaknesses of close-ended question questionnaires?
      • Level of detail/insight required to understand reasons + explanations sacrificed
      • Often lack validity -> may not measure what it intended to
      • + general weaknesses of all questionnaires
    • What factors does a survey NEED to have?

      • Cover everything possible -> leaving things out could affect validity
      • Avoid misunderstanding -> skewed answers could result from misunderstood questions
      • Know what info you want -> be specific + don't get sidetracked
      • Make it easily accessible for ppts
      • You need:
      • Defined issues
      • Writing + editing skills
      • Clarity
      • Test subjects
      • Don't use leading Qs + have clearly distinct choices = answers more likely to be representative of ppts' true beliefs = higher validity
    • What are the key features of all interviews?
      • Researcher asks diff. types of questions for ppt to answer
      • Usually done face to face but can be done on the phone, too
      • Researchers need training before conducting social interactions with ppts
      • Especially when topic of interview = socially sensitive!
    • What are the key features of structured interviews?
      • Questions asked by researchers = predetermined + close-ended in set sequence
      • Produce quantitative data
      • Interviewer does not deviate from questions planned in advance
      • They may clarify meaning of question or offer prompt if ppt is confused, though
    • What are the key features of unstructured interviews?
      • Questions asked by researchers = not predetermined
      • Researcher has initial aim, framework of what they want to investigate + some initial questions formulated in advance
      • They focus on themes + ask follow-up questions to encourage ppts to elaborate (specific to ppt + depend on what is said in interview)
      • Often used to conduct exploratory research + develop new lines of enquiry
    • What are the strengths of all interviews?
      • Access people's thoughts + feelings in a way other research methods cannot
      • Greater insight into people's actions provided (compared to non-self-report methods)
    • What are the weaknesses of all interviews?
      • Ppts may not be honest -> social desirability bias (outright lying, adjusting truth, lying by omission)
      • Ppts' answers may be affected by researchers' behaviour -> if behaviour not standardised, could produce differing answers due to diff. cues (interviewer bias)
      • Not an effective way of gaining insight into people who are not verbally articulate/comfortable expressing themselves = results could be skewed in favour of more articulate ppts = representativeness + generalisability limited
      • More time-consuming + expensive = can negatively affect sample size
    • What are the strengths of structured interviews?
      • Greater comparability than unstructured interviews -> standardised questions = responses across ppts can be easily compared + patterns can be identified
      • Clear quantitative data = analysis through statistical manipulation of data to see patterns + work out likelihood of these happening by chance alone enabled
      • Analysis of data not as time-consuming/difficult + subjective as unstructured interviews
      • + general strengths of all interviews
    • What are the weaknesses of structured interviews?
      • Quantitative data = lacks depth of insight that unstructured interviews have
      • Lowered comparability than questionnaires due to potential interviewer bias influencing answers (unlike written questionnaires)
      • More time-consuming + expensive than questionnaires -> little benefit gained from researcher being present
      • + general weaknesses of all interviews
    • What are the strengths of unstructured interviews?
      • Qualitative data = deeper insight into ppts' thoughts, actions + motivations
      • Useful in providing significant info on new lines of enquiry (ppts have no limitations on their answers + researchers can elaborate/ask follow-up questions by adjusting their questions in response )-> benefit gained for greater expense of unstructured interviews over questionnaires
      • + general strengths of all interviews
    • What are the weaknesses of unstructured interviews?
      • Qualitative data = results much more time-consuming + difficult to analyse than quantitative data
      • Lower comparability than questionnaires + structured interviews -> questions tailored to ppts' responses = patterns difficult to identify
      • Much greater chance of interviewer bias affecting ppts' answers -> tailored questions = more similar to conversation than structured interview
      • Social desirability bias = more intense with increased rapport between researcher + ppt -> heightened interviewer bias
      • + general weaknesses of all interviews
    • What factors does an interview NEED to have?
      • Clarity -> questions = specific + unambiguous = no misinterpretation
      • Avoidance of interviewer bias -> leading questions = results skewed
      • Type of interviewer -> age, gender + cultural heritage could result in ppt reactivity + interviewing skills key, too -> training provided!
      • Record interview -> analysis of data collected easier to conduct
      • Questions in specific order -> factual + basic Qs moving towards nuanced Qs = lowers anxiety/awkwardness
      • Be reflective -> non-verbal behaviours + listening skills can affect ppts' forthcomingness
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