Civil Rights- protection from discrimination (government protects us)
Civil Liberties- Rights and freedoms guaranteed to people by the Constitution and other laws (Protect us from the government)
Bill of Rights- First 10 amendments
1st Amendment- Freedom of speech, religion, press, assembly, and petition
2nd Amendment- Right to bear arms
3rd Amendment- No quartering of soldiers
4th Amendment- Protection against unreasonable searches and seizures
5th Amendment- Protects citizens being accused of crimes
6th Amendment- Right to fair and speedy trial, right to impartial jury, right to be informed of charges
7th Amendment- Right to a trial by jury
8th Amendment- Protection from excessive bail and fines, and cruel and unusual punishment
9th Amendment- Protects rights not listed in Constitution
10th Amendment- Powers not delegated to federal government by Constitution, or prohibited to states, are reserved for states and the people
The Supreme Court interprets the Bill of Rights
The continuous interpretation of the Bill of Rights by the courts changes the way these liberties are protected and evolve over time
Freedom of religion protects the right of individuals to practice their religion, or no religion, without fear of government retribution
Freedoms are not absolute
Establishment Clause- The government cannot establish a religion
Freedom of Press- Ensures individuals can access and spread information without fear of government retribution
Freedom of Press is important in ensuring that the press can report on important issues and serve as a watchdog against government corruption and abuse of power
Right to Peaceful Assembly- Allows individuals to gather together and express their opinions, protest government actions, and advocate for their rights
Right to Petition the Government- Allows individuals to voice their complaints and seek resolutions
Lemon Test- used to see if there's a violation of the establishment clause. The action violates the clause unless it:
Has a significant purpose (non-religious)
Does not have the effect of advancing or discouraging religion
Does not have "excessive entanglement" between government and religion
Due Process Clause- the clause in the 14th amendment that restricts state governments from denying citizens their life, liberty, or property without legal safegards
The 14th amendment laid the foundation for extending the protections of the Bill of Rights to state laws and actions
Selective Incorporation- Process by which the Supreme Court has affirmed that almost all of the protections in the Bill of Rights also apply to state governments
Establishment Clause- 1st amendment protection against the government requiring citizens to join or support a religion
Free Exercise Clause- 1st amendment protection of the rights of individuals to exercise and express their religious beliefs
Freedom of Expression- Fundamental right affirmed in 1st amendment to speak, publish, and protest
Courts must balance the needs of national security with free speech
Clear and Present Danger Test- Legal standard that speech posing an immediate or serious threat to national security is not protected by the 1st amendment
Prior Restraint- the suppression of material prior to publication on the grounds that it might endanger national security
Symbolic Speech- protected expression in the form of images, signs, and other symbols
Libel- an untrue written statement that injures a person's reputation
Slander- an untrue spoken expression that injures a person's reputation
Selective Incorporation- process by which the Supreme Court applies the provisions of the Bill of Rights to the states through the due processclause of the 14th amendment
In selective incorporation, the Supreme Court has the power to determine whether a particular provision of the BillofRights should be applied to the states
The Supreme Court has been gradually incorporating more provisions of the Bill of Rights over time
ExclusionaryRule- evidence obtained illegally is not admissible in court
The due process clause protects individual rights against government intrusion by requiring the government to follow certain procedures when it takes away a person's life, liberty, or property.