Sectionalism - the overemphasised political, economic and social loyalty to a specific region of a country rather than the country as a whole. This was growing in US
Key Simalarities between north and south: language; religion, christianity; government; history (constitution/expansion); mainly agriculture; idea of manifest destiny; heiarachal society.
beetween 30s-50s neither political party was north/south
South grew tobacco, sugar and cotton. Cotton sales made 1/2 of US exports mid century.
75% of southern families did not own slaves in 1860.
Planters - were men with plantations and 20+ slaves. The wealthy led politics, as they had the time/money to be involved.
North was industrialising and had 2 times as much railway as the south.
The north was more urbanised: 1/14 were town dwellers in the South. 1/4 in the north were town dwellers.
South felt exploited: relied on north to finance growing their crops, and relied on north to transport and market their goods. Much of the profits from cotton ended up in northern hands.
Many southerners thought old agrarian (agriculture) ways were better. North saw south as backwards and opposed to modern ideas.