
Subdecks (1)

Cards (41)

  • Correspondence means the communication on matters of personal, official, and business interest
  • Business correspondence is the communication or exchange of information in a written format for the process of business activities
  • Business correspondence allows ideas to be put more clearly in writing
  • Business correspondence reduces disputes and quarrels
  • simplicity - simple and easy language should be used
  • clarity - the language should be clear with proper punctuation
  • accuracy - statement should be accurate, no errors
  • completeness - provide all the necessary information
  • relevance - contain only essential information
  • courtesy - business letters wins the heart of the reader
  • neatness - a neat letter is always impressive
  • purposes of business correspondence:
    1. Ideas can be put more clearly in writing
    2. It becomes a record
    3. It becomes a legal document
    4. It can be used as future reference
    5. It cuts short distances between parties
    6. It reduces disputes and quarrels
    7. Create and maintain goodwill
    8. Serves as evidence to keep records of all facts