the musculoskeletalsystem is a humanbodysystem that provides our body with movement,stability,shape, and support
the muscular system includes all types of muscles in the body
the main component of the skeletalsystem are bones
periosteum is the softoutercovering of the bone, provides blood flow to the bone which lets it heal,grow,fightinfections and stayhealthy
cortical is also called the hardbone, it’s hard and thick to protect body parts underneath it and holdup muscles around it
cancellous is also called the spongybone, it’s a spongytype of bone inside the corticalbone, some bones have alot of it, and some bones have less
bonemarrow is deepinsideyourbones;insidethemiddleof the cortical and spongybone, makes all the blood cells inside your body; whitebloodcells,redbloodcells, and platelets
flatbones are somewhat flattened, and can provide protection
shortbones are located in the wrist and ankle joints, provides stability and some movement
longbones function to support the weight of the body and facilitatemovement
irregularbonesvaryinshape and structure, often having a fairly complex shape
sesamoid bones are embedded in tendons
Muscle is contractiletissue found in animals and humans, the function of which is to produce motion
Skeletal musclessupport the weight of your body and help you move
Cardiac muscles help your heartpump blood
Smooth muscleslinetheinsideoforgans like bladder and stomach