some believe that christians are completely against wealth and view being rich as unacceptable
what is a passage from the bible that talks about wealth?
Luke 18:25 it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of God
money is seen as a gift from god and a wealthy christian is seen as having the potential to do many good things
the church teaches that money can be used to support charities, give alms and fund missionary work
in the catholic faith, stewardship means taking responsibility for managing all resources given by god including time, talent and treasure (wealth)
stewardship encourages people to use their wealth wisely and not wastefully or selfishly
christians have different views on how much they should donate to charity - some think its important to tithe (give 10%)
stewardship also encourages people to share what they have with others less fortunate
christians believe that everyone has equal value because we were created in the image of god
human dignity refers to our inherent worth as individuals which comes from god
some believe that giving more than 10% shows generosity and trust in god's provision
some christians believe it's better to give directly to those who need it rather than through an organisation
there are debates about whether giving to charity is more effective if done through organisations like oxfam or direct action
what is a tithe
when 10% of their income is given to the church or charity
what does the parable of the talents teach
that if you invest well and work hard you deserve profit and wealth
no one can serve two masters you cannot serve both god and money (Matthew 6:24)
the parable of the sheep and goats teaches that christians should feed the hungry and help the poor sick and imprisoned and shouldn't hoard their possessions