IUPAC - international unionofpureandapplied chemistry
an organisation in charge of universal standardisation of naming
Ionic compound - metal + nonmetal
transfer (gain/lose) electrons
metal + anions + ide
multi-valence - use romannumerals
molecular compound - nonmetal + nonmetal
shares electrons
prefixes + ide
Ionic compound properties
Crystal lattice
Solid at room temp
high melting point
solutions conduct
molecular compound properties
Nolattice, forms particles in fixed ratios
Ex. glucose
Solidliquidgas at room temp.,
low melting point
bad conductors
Why ice floats on water
When cooled down, hydrogen bonds are able to form more organised structures than they are when they are constantly moving around
Since structures take up less space = less dense
Water is polar
oxygen - negative end
hydrogen - positive end
With ionic compounds, compounds has a positive and negative charge, so those charges get attracted to different ends of water, and rips apart (dissolves)
why ionic compounds are better at dissolving than molecular