Repeat of most senteces

Cards (36)

  • Been seen grossly is without the aid of magnification .
  • Seeing something microscopically is with the aid of magnification .
  • Gross anatomy the study of structures that can be seen without using a microscope .
  • Microscopic anatomy, also called histology , is the study of cells and tissues using a microscope .
  • Histology is the study of tissue structure .
  • Observation and visualization are the primary techniques a student should use to learn anatomy .
  • An understanding of anatomy requires an understanding of the context in which the terminology can be remembered .
  • Anatomy can be studied following either a regional or a systemic approach .
  • With a recional approach , each region of the body is studied separately and all aspects of that region are studied at the same time .
  • In contrast, in a systemic approach , each system of the body is studied and followed throughout the entire body
  • The regional approach works very well if the anatomy course involves cadaver dissection but falls short when it comes to understanding the continuity of an entire system throughout the body .
  • The anatomical position is the standard reference position of the body used to describe the location of structures
  • Three major groups of planes pass through the body in the anatomical position: Coronal , Sagittal and Transverse .
  • Coronal planes are oriented vertically and divide the body into anterior and posterior parts .
  • Sagittal planes also are oriented vertically but are at right angles to the coronal planes and divide the body into right and left parts
  •  The plane that passes through the center of the body dividing it into equal right and left halves is termed th median saggital plane .
  • Transverse, horizontal or axial planes divide the body into superior and inferior parts
  • Anterior (or ventral ) and posterior (or dorsal ) describe the position of structures relative to the “front” and “back” of the body
  • Mendinal and lateral describe the position of structures relative to the median sagittal plane and the sides of the body
  • Superior and inferior describe structures in reference to the vertical axis of the body
  • Proximal and distal are used with reference to being closer to or farther from a structure’s origin , particularly in the limbs . For example, the hand is distal to the elbow joint. The glenohumeral joint is proximal to the elbow joint
  • Cranial (toward the head) and caudal (toward the tail) are sometimes used instead of superior and inferior , respectively
  • Rostral is used, particularly in the head, to describe the position of a structure with reference to the nose, so it measures what is closer towards the beak .
  • Superfical and deep are terms used to describe the relative positions of two structures with respect to the surface of the body
  • The sternum is superficial to the heart, and the stomach is deep to the abdominal wall .
  • The superficial region of the body is external to the outer layer of deep fascia .
  • Structures in the superficial region of the body include the skin , superficial fascia , and mammary gland .
  • Deep structures include most skeletal muscles and viscera .
  • Superficial wounds are external to the outer layer of deep fascia , whereas deep wounds penetrate through it .
  • Cis refers to individuals whose gender identity aligns with their assigned sex at birth, whereas trans refers to individuals whose gender identity does not align with their assigned sex at birth
  • Non-binary refers to an individual whose gender identity does not fit the binary model
  • Clinically, the anatomical terminology preferred by the patient should be used, which may include non-binary terms for classically gendered anatomy .
  • Instead of breast / chest use upper body .
  • Instead of penis / clitoris use erectile tissue .
  • Instead of testes / ovaries use gonads .
  •  Acquiring a history of the patient’s relevant anatomy (organ inventory) should be considered, including the patient’s preferred terminology, to guide appropriate and sensitive care .