Advantages of a short chain of command include quicker and more accurate communication, fewer levels to pass through before reaching the intended person, and a wider span of control encouraging managers to delegate more.
Disadvantages of a short chain of command include the potential for managers to lose control of what their subordinates are doing if they are fully trained, and the subordinates could make many mistakes.
Advantages of delegation include managers being able to measure the success of their staff more easily and see how well they have done in performing the tasks delegated to them, and the employee feeling more important and believes that trust is being put in them to perform a job well.
Laissez-faire leadership makes the broad objectives of the business known to employees, but then they are left to make their own decisions and organise their own work.
The disadvantage of a democratic leadership style is that unpopular decisions made by the minority of employees are often ignored and so decisions will not be made effectively.
The advantage of a democratic leadership style is that better decisions could result from consulting with employees and using their ideas and experience.
The benefits of joining a trade union include improved conditions of employment and improved benefits for members who are not working because they are sick, retired or have been made redundant.