Longest suicide note where Foot performed badly on TV too
Manifesto seemed out of touch
Negative economic record
North sea oil to blame for economic success
Most shares belonged to the rich
Deprived areas got worse
'Get rich quick' dodgy deals took place
Thatcher's defence of universities
They needed to be more economically fit
Criticisms of universities
Hated the policies
Oxford even refused to give Thatcher her honorary degree
Positives of universities
Government didn't abolish grants for some young people
Universities had to accept more people to get the funding
Negatives of universities
Budgets cut
Charged for attendance
Some staff lost jobs
Thatcher's defence of the NHS
Aim was to make it more efficient
Criticisms of the NHS
GPs became the fund holders and got to manage their own budgets meaning it wasn't always spent on the right things
Positives of the NHS
Gave financial discipline
Negatives of the NHS
First step to privatisation
Reason for privatisation
'Privatisation was fundamental to improving GB's economic performance' – Thatcher believes nationalised industries were ineffective and over-manned
Reaction to privatisation
Popular with those who could afford to buy shares
3 million shareholders in 1979- 11 million in 1990
Shares grew rapidly and the rich could buy more
Thatcher's defence of council house sales
Wanted to create a property owning democracy as homeowners were more likely to vote right
Criticisms of council house sales
You had to live in the house for 15 years
Positives of council house sales
Homeownership increased by 12%
Negatives of council house sales
Thatcher didn't sell homes for enough so councils lost money
Direct taxes
Based on wages
Indirect taxes
Not based on wages
Manufacturing output = 14%
Many firms out of business
Unemployment = 3 mil!
Government were laisses faire unlike Heath
Thatcher's view on inflation
It was bad as it affected social stability, causing the middle class to strikes making GB industries over prices compared to the rest of the EU
Thatcher's defence of secondary education
Thatcher wanted to give teachers quality checks, as GB lacked in education
Criticisms of secondary education
Curriculum was too restrictive
Too frequent testing
Positives of secondary education
GCSE's were open to all abilities
Negatives of secondary education
GCSE's not rigorous enough
Positive economy
Inflation bought down 23% in 1976 to 4% in 1992
Privatisation improved
Performance lowered price etc
London remained economic hub
More people became shareholders
Howes taxation policies
Made the tax indirect
Rich= richer, poor= poorer
VAT made products pricier, VERY unpopular
Thatcher's industrial relations legislation
1980 Employment Act- secondary picketing banned and increased rights to those who didn't join a trade union
1982 Employment Act- restricted sympathy strike and allowed close shops if ballot showed 85% of support, anyone sacked for not joining trade union was given high compensation
1984 Trade Union Act- secret ballot had to be held before strikes
How Thatcher achieved mastery of her cabinet
Promoted dries (supporters) and demoted wets (enemies)
After winning 3n election in 1983 and Falklands war she became more brutal with the wets
1 nation conservatives
These MP's were older and were loyal members to Heath. Wanted more money on welfare. Wanted Labour to manage economy.
Wets and Dries
Wets (enemies to Thatcher) – wanted government involvement, Thatcher appointed them then began demoting them
Dries (supporters of Thatcher's), more traditional and didn't want government involvement, got better jobs and were promoted