Lines 9 - 10

Cards (4)

  • “How the chimney-sweeper’s cry
    Every black’ning church appalls,
  • Translation
    • Chimney sweeps were the poorest of society
    • They were usually children, employed to climb up chimneys to sweep out the soot
    • This could be a dangerous job, as it was not only bad for their health, but they could also suffocate and die
    • The soot from the chimneys would blacken the walls of the church, which was horrified by them (“appalls”)
    • The “black’ning church” also references the pollution in London at the time, due to the Industrial Revolution 
    • But it could also mean a tarnished or corrupted reputation
  • Blake’s intention
    • Here, Blake is digging deeper into the effects of the “mind-forg’d manacles” on humanity
    • The children who worked as chimney sweepers were often orphans, whom the church was meant to be responsible for
    • However, the church is “appalled” by them and does not look after them as it should
  • Blake’s intention
    • During Blake’s time, a lot of money went into the church while children were dying from poverty
    • This emphasises what Blake considers to be the church’s hypocrisy
    • Blake is criticising the church and its “ blackened ” or tarnished reputation
    • He is reflecting on how the wealthy or elite take advantage of the poor