Social Psychology is the scientific study of how people think about, influence and relate to one another
Social thinking has two types of theories; Attribution Theory and Fundamental Attribution Theory
Attribution Theory is situation vs disposition; an action that influences judgement vs a person's personality
Fundamental Attribution Theory is the tendency when judging others to underestimate the situation and overestimate the disposition
Attitudes have strong impacts on actions
Outside Influences (Eg. Peer pressure)
Attitude is specifically relevant to behavior - shows actions and maintains attitude
Being aware of ones attitude - reminds wearer to stop a habit/action (Eg. Promise rings)
"Looking-glass" effect/Mirror is the effect of seeing yourself do something you don't want to do
Foot-In-Door Phenomenon is when asked a small request leads to a bigger request
Door-In-Face Phenomenon is when asked a big request leads to a smaller request
Cognitive Dissonance Theory is the reduction of discomfort from two inconsistent thoughts
Low-Ball Effect is the effect when offered something attractive leads to something less attractive
That's-Not-All Effect is the effect when offered something attractive leads to something even more attractive
Zimbardo Prison Experiment; the purpose was to study prison life and its psychological effects
Lucifer Effect & Hero Effect believes that there is both good and evil in everyone
Conformity is the adjustment of our behavior/thinking to coincide with a groups standard
Chameleon Effect is the unconscious mimicry of another's behavior; is used a lot when being empathetic and sympathizing with others to connect
Solomon Asch experimented on conformity where actors would say wrong answers to see if participants would conform due to peer pressure
Conformity Strengthens...
when feeling incompetent/insecure
in a group of 3 or more
all are in agreement
admiration of a group's status and attractiveness
no prior commitment to any response
knowing others will observe your behavior
from a culture that strongly accepts social norms
Normative Social Influence is the desire to gain approval/avoid disapproval
Informational Social Influence is the acceptance of others opinion on reality
The Stanley Milgram Experiment was based off of people's obedience when given an order. He wanted to see how far participants would go when peer pressured
Obedience is high when...
Person in charge was nearby and seemed trustworthy
Authority figure is supported by a respectful institution
There are no role models for defiance
Victim was depersonalized or distanced
Social Facilitation is the improvement in for simple/well-learned tasks from others presence (Eg. Study groups)
Social Loafing is the tendacy to put in less effort for one common goal; less likely to loaf if they care about the group, most likely to loaf if unfamiliar with group (Eg. Group projects)
Deindividuation is the loss of self-awareness and self-restrain in group situation that omit arousal anonymity (Eg. Zimbardo Prison Experiment)
Group Polarization is the enhancement of a groups common beliefs through discussions; shift in choice/attitude after group interaction
Group Think is the desire of harmony/conformity which results in poor judgement
Prejudice is an unjustifiable attitude towards a group and its members
Sterotype is a generalized belief about a group/person
Discrimination is an unjustifiable behavior toward a group and its members; Prejudice and action
Ethnocentrism is the evaluation of others cultures with ones own standards and customs of their culture; comparing
Tokenism is a trivial positive action towards a minority group to not be accountable of anything meaningful; Fake representation (women, LGBTQ+, POC, etc.)
Ingroup is a group of people that share a common identity; usage of "us"
Outgroup is a group of people that are different than the ingroup; usage of "them"
Ingroup Bias is the tendency to favor our own group
Scapegoat Theory is the theory of prejudice that offers an emotional outlet of frustration and anger towards someone; outgroup is usually used for blame
Just-World Phenomenon is the tendency to believe that the world is just and that people deserve what they get/recieve
Aggression is the physical/verbal behavior with intent to hurt/destroy others
Frustration-Aggression Principle is the blockage of ones' goal; frustration becomes aggressive
Hostile Aggression is a type of behavior that wants to harm/destroy one
Instrumental Aggression is an aggressive behavior meant to achieve a goal that harms the victim