Mass Wasting - The downslope movement of rock and regolith which can be natural or artificial in origin and triggers: rainfall, earthquake, human activity
Erosion - transport of weathered material by moving agents
Mass Wasting - primarily caused by slope failure (instability) due to gravity
Slope stability - highly dependent on applied forces and gravity on a mass at an angled slope and properties of the material
What are the four factors that affect slope stability?
Slope angle
type of material
Gentle slope - when tangential forces are less than perpendicular forces
Horizontal slope - kept in place
Steep slope - When tangential forces are greater than the perpendicular forces
Angle of repose - Steepest angle at which sediment deposit or soil is stable and will not move downslope
dependent on the size of sediments
Moist sand has a higher angle of repose than dry sand
Water saturated sand will lead to slope failure
Geologic discontinuities - (planar structures like beds & fractures) serve as “weak planes” where sliding may occur.
Daylighting - When planar discontinuities (beds, fractures) are tilted in the same direction as the slope, increases likelihood of a sliding slope
Rock Fall - Abrupt, downward movements of rock or earth, or both, that detach from steep slopes or cliffs (free-fall)
What are the two kinds of slide movement of rock?
Translational slide - where the movement of rock or debris is along a planar surface
Rotational slide (slump) - where the movement is along a curved/arcuate/concave up surface
Flow - rapidly moving mass-wasting events wherein loose material is mixed with abundant water where there are long runouts at the slope base.
Can be separated into debris flow (coarse material) and earthflow (fine material)
Runout - how far a landslide travels
Avalanche - rapid to very rapid landslides and is related to the collapse of slopes or volcanic edifices
Soil Creep - extremely slow downslope movement of unconsolidated material and it takes years to have noticeable effect on the slope
due to expansion and contraction of surface sediment and pull of gravity
Soft mitigating measures - are those that do not involve putting up engineered structures
Hard Engineering Measures - These are other engineering measures to prevent landslides
What are the four main reasons why mass wasting occurs in the Philippines?
Tectonic Setting
Human Activities
2006Guinsaugon Landslide - Guinsaugon village, as well as the other villages located along the footslopes of Mount Can-abag where more than 1000 people died
2012 New Bataan Debris Flow - specifically Barangay Andap (the most affected area), is located at the mouth of a mountain drainage network (alluvial fan) and this incident was triggered by category 5 supertyphoon Bopha (Pablo)
What are the four recommendations on improving disaster risk response?